Our Philosophy

Mission Statement

The quality of the products and services of Nation One Security are judged by our clients. Therefore, the most important contribution that we can make to the business is to deliver all services professionally and with the highest standards that will exceed the customer’s satisfaction. It is the mission of Nation One Security, LLC and its employees to consistently strive to provide our clients’ with excellence in products and services that go beyond their highest expectations. Our ultimate goal is to win the customer for life.


Nation One Security is a well trained, accelerated, and productive security company, which is a U.S. workforce essential for “future competitiveness”. Nation One Security is a locally owned and operated company, which has been in business since 2005. We currently specialize in uniformed unarmed security guard services. We are a company that has continued growth by offering commercial security, personal protection, event security, traffic/crowd control and industrial security loss prevention with 24 hour patrols and emergency response. Nation One Security has earned the trust of its clients and takes pride in the ability to expeditiously answer the requests of the client.


Fundamentally, ethics are the guiding principles by which we make decisions and conduct our business. Maintaining a high business ethics standard is an essential pillar in the foundation of our systems and beliefs. We are dedicated to making lasting impressions with our clients by training our employees using components that we believe are the basics of any good business. Those components include Quality, Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, and Dependability. Nation One Security recognizes that setting and maintaining the highest ethical standards begins at the top.

Special Training

Nation One Security understands the importance of training, thus we ensure that we provide the highest quality training to all of our employees. Training is critical to the success of our company, so we not only train our employees of the importance of proper security, we also train our team to offer exceptional customer service – WE TRAIN FOR EXCELLENCE!

Promoting Trust, Confidence and . . . Security